Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This is a poem that was written questioning the mother quake of what it leaves us with other than grief and miseries. Its better they go to bed forever.


Dreams end in screams oh! Screams
This of a rumble, tremble off the subdued
The fear of sleep off people’s eyes not yet
Deep from under, hope rocks sleep asleep

Sleep you and your fearsome rumble
You rocks alive rocks the cradle and the world
But fear no existence to rules and lives the world,
In your sleep, rules and lives the world

Sleep my fellow sleep, not days, not years but centuries
Need you fight to surpass history in books, records
You need to be in dreams, let us dream dream
Even if one off dreams, the other’s in dream

Awake the day only when no one asleep
Sure no day of such as millions asleep
Under slabs, rocks, mud and oceans
All those forced to sleep by you, so sleep you.

Fool us not had you foolish
Forgotten the dates of hellish
And hellish here on 31st June
Nor fool u there three days hence now.

This was written on a 28th june.

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