Tuesday, July 8, 2008

finally i made it !!!.

There was a time when I would wonder if we do traveling too much to meet all our relatives and loved ones, why don't we find it so hard. The answer lies in re-arranging the previous statement. It only feels so hard if we don't meet them. Its not time that we save, out of not meeting them. Its the love and endless bond that we lose when we restrain from.
Wow, it was indeed a great trip after a very long time, a casual trip. Not an occasion of celebration or critical issues that we regularly meet for. This was indeed one that showed how much of real love has gone unshared with others especially the kids who ask nothing but the time with you.
I enjoyed it a lot. Not much off the cell phones ringing around, not much of text messages flying around, not much off tiresome mail reading.
They(kids) are awesome and clever ones who manage their time to adjust to spend time with us.
Well, that shows how clever they are. Wish everyday is spent with them. I wish to keep this post alone as simple as possible as i those kids would be reading this sooner. No matter what is lost in the past, and no one can properly measure and tell you. This moment of presence is to be enjoyed.....
Soon will continue with other details....

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